Food! likewise understood as one of my favourite things in life. There’s nothing much better than arriving in a country as well as finding all the new foods, spices as well as smells. The food in Morocco isn’t spicy at all however every meal is completely seasoned with some primary spices: cumin, cinnamon, nutmeg as well as a Moroccan ‘all spice’. whatever that we’ve sampled has been amazing, there isn’t anything we’ve tried that we haven’t liked..and that’s rare. Nick has been (of course) the more adventurous foodie…he’s been eating lamb, veal as well as escargot from side of the road stands. I have likewise been crazy as well as have been trying different ice creams (pistachio as well as date are rather good!) I’ve likewise been sampling all of the pastry/cake carts on the road as well…just doing my part to try uusia asioita.
Sampling some exotic flavours of ice cream in Morocco.
The meals right here are huge as well as luckily for our budget, we are able to share lunch as well as dinner. Our favourite meals have been tajines, it’s like a stew served in a clay pot with your option of lamb, beef, vegetarian or poultry with potatoes, carrots, peas, olives as well as a completely seasoned sauce.
Our favourite meal in Morocco, the tajine!
Another favourite is the couscous meals. A big mound of couscous is served with your option of meat as well as great deals of vegetables as well as a side of juice/sauce to pour all over to make it nice as well as moist. Every meal is served with great deals of bread as well as olives, no matter what you order. Along the Atlantic coastline in the City of Essouira, we’ve had freshly caught fish grilled up in front of us, served with a salad as well as fries.
Want more Moroccan food? inspect out this post: What to eat in Marrakech.
A massive, delicious poultry couscous meal with bread, olives as well as a poultry stock to pour overtop. Chefchaouen, Morocco.
Yum! Freshly caught as well as grilled fish in Essouira, Morocco.
For lunch, we’ve been having schwarmas (either a hollowed out round loaf of bread or a tortilla shell stuffed with meat, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots as well as a garlic yogurt sauce), kebabs (meats as well as vegetables on skewers with a side of fries) or a side of the road snack of some kind (chick pea soup, popcorn, snails, poultry as well as egg samosas, doughnuts, etc.). There are great deals of “quick eats” joints around the towns as well as eating pastries as a snack or a meal isn’t uncommon. I believe the most random thing we’ve had for lunch was from a Moroccan version of Subway. It was packed with regional people so we believed we’d try it out. It was a baguette cut in half long methods as well as stuffed with your option of meat as well as then we chose which toppings we wanted from these options: mashed potatoes, plain pasta, ham, pickles, red onion, cooked carrots, lettuce, French fries, mayo, hot sauce, tuna as well as olives!! extremely bizarre, however extremely great actually.
The most bizarre meal ever. Morocco’s version of Subway.
As well as having delicious food, Morocco is understood for its sweets. There are cake/crepe/pastry shops everywhere! They offer cookies as well as cakes by the kilo in the stores as well as people are always out on the streets selling the delicious sweets as well. There are ice cream stalls everywhere serving a few of the typical flavours like chocolate as well as strawberry as well as some more exotic ones like pistachio, fig & date, all of which are delicious. Besides the cakes as well as cookies, they offer fresh fruits on the streets for a extremely great price. We bought a kilogram worth of fresh, bright red, huge strawberries for $1.25! They were honestly the very best strawberries we’ve ever had.
Delicious sweets for sale, Tangier, Morocco .
Delicious, bright red strawberries up for sale on the side of the street. Tangier, Morocco.
And then there’s the drinks. Fresh orange juice squeezed right in front of your eyes, mint tea with genuine stalks of mint leaves as well as tons of sugar, cafe au lait with amazing Arabic coffee, the very best method to begin the day! The Moroccan guy can be discovered at any type of as well as all times of the day sitting in a tea & coffee shop smoking as well as having espresso. We were wondering why they weren’t out working as well as soon discovered out that many Moroccans work in Europe (particularly Holland) as well as send house Euros to their families here…which enables them to have more time for socializing as well as sitting around basically! However, we seldom see women sitting around in coffee shops; they are definitely predominantly male places.
Having a tea break in Tangier, Morocco.Hedelmäyksikkö, joka palvelee hämmästyttäviä juuri puristetut mehut. Marrakesh, Marokko.
Olemme todella nauttineet marokkolaista ruokaa sekä on ollut iloisesti yllättynyt totuus siitä, että mitä olemme yrittäneet, olemme halunneet. Olemme syöneet marokkolaista ruokaa 3 aterialle päivässä … Paitsi että yksi päivä, kun minulla oli pizza :). Ruoka on niin valtava osa päivästä: Missä meidän pitäisi syödä? Mitä meidän pitäisi olla? Voimmeko maksaa keskipäivän välipala? Jne ja Onneksi Marokko on tehnyt vastaukset kaikkiin kysymyksiin yksinkertainen meille … kaikkialla on hienoa syödä, mitä valitsemme, nautimme, sekä ruokaa on kohtuullisen hinnoiteltu, jotta voimme jopa olla jälkiruoka!
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